阿多 2023-10-07 557 1 0 0 0



select username,default_tablespace,temporary_tablespace from dba_users du
order by du.temporary_tablespace,du.username

select username,default_tablespace,temporary_tablespace from dba_users du
where du.USERNAME like '%DBA' or du.USERNAME like '%APP1'
order by du.temporary_tablespace,du.username
select * from database_properties where property_name = 'DEFAULT_TEMP_TABLESPACE';
order by dt.tablespace_name
select a.ts#,a.name as table_space, c.ts#,c.file# as tempF#,c.name as temp_file,c.bytes/1024/1024 '' 'M' as TSize
from v$tablespace a, v$tempfile c
where a.ts#=c.ts#
order by a.ts#,c.file#
create temporary tablespace TEMP_T01 TEMPFILE 'e:\HS01\TMP\TEMP_T01.ORA' size 4096M;
alter database default temporary tablespace TEMP_T01;

drop tablespace temp including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace temp tempfile 'e:\hs01\tmp\temp01.ora' SIZE 8192M;
ALTER DATABASE tempFILE 'e:\HS01\tmp\temp01.ora' AUTOEXTEND OFF;
alter database default temporary tablespace temp;

drop tablespace TEMP_T01 including contents and datafiles cascade constraint;

--ALTER DATABASE tempFILE 'E:\HS01\TMP\TEMP_T0.ORA' resize 10240M;
create temporary tablespace tmp_t1 TEMPFILE 'E:\HS01\TMP\tmp_t1.ORA' size 4096M;
alter user ENAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t1;
alter user ENDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t1;
alter user pNAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t1;
alter user pNDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t1;
drop tablespace tmp10 including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace tmp10
tempfile 'E:\hs01\tmp\tmp11.ora' SIZE 4096M
tablespace group tmpgrp1;
alter user ENAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp10;
alter user ENDBA temporary tablespace tmp10;
alter user pNAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp10;
alter user pNDBA temporary tablespace tmp10;
drop tablespace tmp_t1 including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace tmp_t2 TEMPFILE 'e:\HS01\TMP\tmp_t2.ORA' size 8192M;
alter user ARDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t2;
alter user ARAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t2;
alter user BKENAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t2;
alter user BKENDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t2;
alter user CMAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t2;
alter user CMDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t2;
alter user COAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t2;
alter user CODBA temporary tablespace tmp_t2;
alter user DSDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t2;
alter user DSAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t2;
alter user NFAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t2;
alter user NFDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t2;
alter user TLDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t2;
alter user TLAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t2; 
alter user VEDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t2;
alter user VEAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t2; 
drop tablespace tmp20 including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace tmp20
tempfile 'e:\hs01\tmp\tmp21.ora' SIZE 4096M
tablespace group tmpgrp2;

alter user ARDBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user ARAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user BKENAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user BKENDBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user CMAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user CMDBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user COAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user CODBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user DSDBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user DSAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user NFAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user NFDBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user TLDBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user TLAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user VEDBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user VEAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20; 

drop tablespace tmp_t2 including contents and datafiles;

create temporary tablespace tmp_t3 TEMPFILE 'e:\HS01\TMP\tmp_t3.ORA' size 8192M;
alter user CNAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t3;
alter user CNDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t3;
alter user DCAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t3;
alter user DCDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t3;
alter user EMAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t3;
alter user EMDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t3;
alter user POAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t3;
alter user PODBA temporary tablespace tmp_t3;
alter user SDAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t3;
alter user SDDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t3;
alter user WBDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t3;
alter user WBAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t3;
drop tablespace tmp30 including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace tmp30
tempfile 'E:\hs01\tmp\tmp31.ora' SIZE 4096M
tablespace group tmpgrp3;
alter user CNAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user CNDBA temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user DCAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user DCDBA temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user EMAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user EMDBA temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user POAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user PODBA temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user SDAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user SDDBA temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user WBDBA temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user WBAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP30;
drop tablespace tmp_t3 including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace tmp_t4 TEMPFILE 'E:\HS01\TMP\tmp_t4.ORA' size 4096M;
alter user INAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user INDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user QCAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user QCDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user SHAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user SHDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user SYAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user SYDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user exAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user exDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user BKPODBA temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user BKPOAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user BKINDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user BKINAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user hsprd temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user hseng temporary tablespace tmp_t4;
alter user FJTESTDBA temporary tablespace tmp_t4;

drop tablespace tmp40 including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace tmp40
tempfile 'E:\hs01\tmp\tmp41.ora' SIZE 4096M
tablespace group tmpgrp4;
alter user INAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user INDBA temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user QCAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user QCDBA temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user SHAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user SHDBA temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user SYAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user SYDBA temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user exAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user exDBA temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user BKPODBA temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user BKPOAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user BKINDBA temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user BKINAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user hsprd temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user hseng temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user FJTESTDBA temporary tablespace TMP40;

drop tablespace tmp_t4 including contents and datafiles;

select c.tablespace_name,
to_char(c.bytes/1024/1024/1024,'99,999.999') total_gb,
to_char( (c.bytes-d.bytes_used)/1024/1024/1024,'99,999.999') free_gb,
to_char(d.bytes_used/1024/1024/1024,'99,999.999') use_gb,
to_char(d.bytes_used*100/c.bytes,'99.99') || '%'use
from  (select tablespace_name,sum(bytes) bytes
from dba_temp_files GROUP by tablespace_name) c,
(select tablespace_name,sum(bytes_cached) bytes_used
from v$temp_extent_pool GROUP by tablespace_name) d
where c.tablespace_name = d.tablespace_name;
select a.username,
       b.BYTES_USED / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 || 'G',
       b.BYTES_FREE / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
    on a.TABLESPACE = b.tablespace_name;
select *  from V$TEMPORARY_LOBS;
select * from v$sqlarea ds
where ds.sql_id='9m7787camwh4m'
select * from v$sqltext st
where st.sql_id='9m7787camwh4m'
select * from (
select sess.SID,  segtype, blocks*8/1000 "MB" ,sql_text
from v$sort_usage sort, v$session sess ,v$sql sql
where sort.SESSION_ADDR = sess.SADDR
and sql.ADDRESS = sort.SQLADDR (+)
order by blocks desc
) a
where rownum<10
select * from dba_users dt
where dt.username like '%DBA'
SELECT su.username,sid,serial#,sql_address,machine,
FROM v$session se,v$sort_usage su
WHERE se.saddr=su.session_addr
--然后用alter system kill session 'sid,serial#';
alter tablespace temp_t0 coalesce;

Tag: Oracle Oracle基础
阿多#1阿多 2024-10-14(N) 链接地址



select username,default_tablespace,temporary_tablespace from dba_users du
order by du.temporary_tablespace,du.username

select username,default_tablespace,temporary_tablespace from dba_users du
where du.USERNAME like '%DBA' or du.USERNAME like '%APP1'
order by du.temporary_tablespace,du.username
select * from database_properties where property_name = 'DEFAULT_TEMP_TABLESPACE';
order by dt.tablespace_name
select a.ts#,a.name as table_space, c.ts#,c.file# as tempF#,c.name as temp_file,c.bytes/1024/1024 '' 'M' as TSize
from v$tablespace a, v$tempfile c
where a.ts#=c.ts#
order by a.ts#,c.file#
create temporary tablespace TEMP_T01 TEMPFILE 'e:\HS01\TMP\TEMP_T01.ORA' size 4096M;
alter database default temporary tablespace TEMP_T01;

drop tablespace temp including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace temp tempfile 'e:\hs01\tmp\temp01.ora' SIZE 8192M;
ALTER DATABASE tempFILE 'e:\HS01\tmp\temp01.ora' AUTOEXTEND OFF;
alter database default temporary tablespace temp;

drop tablespace TEMP_T01 including contents and datafiles cascade constraint;

--ALTER DATABASE tempFILE 'E:\HS01\TMP\TEMP_T0.ORA' resize 10240M;

create temporary tablespace TMP_T1 TEMPFILE 'E:\HS01\TMP\TMP_T1.ORA' size 4096M;
alter user ENAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T1;
alter user ENDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T1;
alter user pNAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T1;
alter user pNDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T1;
drop tablespace tmp10 including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace tmp10
tempfile 'E:\hs01\tmp\tmp11.ora' SIZE 4096M
tablespace group tmpgrp1;
alter user ENAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp10;
alter user ENDBA temporary tablespace tmp10;
alter user pNAPP1 temporary tablespace tmp10;
alter user pNDBA temporary tablespace tmp10;
drop tablespace TMP_T1 including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace TMP_T2 TEMPFILE 'e:\HS01\TMP\TMP_T2.ORA' size 8192M;
alter user ARDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T2;
alter user ARAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T2;
alter user BKENAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T2;
alter user BKENDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T2;
alter user CMAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T2;
alter user CMDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T2;
alter user COAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T2;
alter user CODBA temporary tablespace TMP_T2;
alter user DSDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T2;
alter user DSAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T2;
alter user NFAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T2;
alter user NFDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T2;
alter user TLDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T2;
alter user TLAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T2; 
alter user VEDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T2;
alter user VEAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T2; 
drop tablespace tmp20 including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace tmp20
tempfile 'e:\hs01\tmp\tmp21.ora' SIZE 4096M
tablespace group tmpgrp2;

alter user ARDBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user ARAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user BKENAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user BKENDBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user CMAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user CMDBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user COAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user CODBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user DSDBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user DSAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user NFAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user NFDBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user TLDBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user TLAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user VEDBA temporary tablespace TMP20;
alter user VEAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP20; 

drop tablespace TMP_T2 including contents and datafiles;

create temporary tablespace TMP_T3 TEMPFILE 'e:\HS01\TMP\TMP_T3.ORA' size 8192M;
alter user CNAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T3;
alter user CNDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T3;
alter user DCAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T3;
alter user DCDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T3;
alter user EMAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T3;
alter user EMDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T3;
alter user POAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T3;
alter user PODBA temporary tablespace TMP_T3;
alter user SDAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T3;
alter user SDDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T3;
alter user WBDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T3;
alter user WBAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T3;
drop tablespace tmp30 including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace tmp30
tempfile 'E:\hs01\tmp\tmp31.ora' SIZE 4096M
tablespace group tmpgrp3;
alter user CNAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user CNDBA temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user DCAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user DCDBA temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user EMAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user EMDBA temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user POAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user PODBA temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user SDAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user SDDBA temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user WBDBA temporary tablespace TMP30;
alter user WBAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP30;
drop tablespace TMP_T3 including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace TMP_T4 TEMPFILE 'E:\HS01\TMP\TMP_T4.ORA' size 4096M;
alter user INAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user INDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user QCAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user QCDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user SHAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user SHDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user SYAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user SYDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user exAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user exDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user BKPODBA temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user BKPOAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user BKINDBA temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user BKINAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user hsprd temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
alter user hseng temporary tablespace TMP_T4;
drop tablespace tmp40 including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace tmp40
tempfile 'E:\hs01\tmp\tmp41.ora' SIZE 4096M
tablespace group tmpgrp4;
alter user INAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user INDBA temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user QCAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user QCDBA temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user SHAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user SHDBA temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user SYAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user SYDBA temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user exAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user exDBA temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user BKPODBA temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user BKPOAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user BKINDBA temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user BKINAPP1 temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user hsprd temporary tablespace TMP40;
alter user hseng temporary tablespace TMP40;

drop tablespace TMP_T4 including contents and datafiles;

select c.tablespace_name,
to_char(c.bytes/1024/1024/1024,'99,999.999') total_gb,
to_char( (c.bytes-d.bytes_used)/1024/1024/1024,'99,999.999') free_gb,
to_char(d.bytes_used/1024/1024/1024,'99,999.999') use_gb,
to_char(d.bytes_used*100/c.bytes,'99.99') || '%'use
from  (select tablespace_name,sum(bytes) bytes
from dba_temp_files GROUP by tablespace_name) c,
(select tablespace_name,sum(bytes_cached) bytes_used
from v$temp_extent_pool GROUP by tablespace_name) d
where c.tablespace_name = d.tablespace_name;
select a.username,
       b.BYTES_USED / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 || 'G',
       b.BYTES_FREE / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
    on a.TABLESPACE = b.tablespace_name;
select *  from V$TEMPORARY_LOBS;
select * from v$sqlarea ds
where ds.sql_id='9m7787camwh4m'
select * from v$sqltext st
where st.sql_id='9m7787camwh4m'
select * from (
select sess.SID,  segtype, blocks*8/1000 "MB" ,sql_text
from v$sort_usage sort, v$session sess ,v$sql sql
where sort.SESSION_ADDR = sess.SADDR
and sql.ADDRESS = sort.SQLADDR (+)
order by blocks desc
) a
where rownum<10
select * from dba_users dt
where dt.username like '%DBA'
SELECT su.username,sid,serial#,sql_address,machine,
FROM v$session se,v$sort_usage su
WHERE se.saddr=su.session_addr
--然后用alter system kill session 'sid,serial#';
alter tablespace temp_t0 coalesce;

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